Look No Further. Order from BPM & We’ll Deliver to Your Doorstep

This optional service is offered for those who are not able or simply don’t have the time to go out and buy accessories (i.e., moving boxes, packing tape, blanket pads, or any other packing materials). Link to our Basic Guide To Moving Supplies document to pick-up helpful tips on commonly used accessories. Customers, choosing to pack their own goods need to ensure they're using the correct sized boxes, packing materials for the type of item(s) being moved and that all boxes are properly sealed, labeled, and not over-loaded. Improperly packed and or excessively heavy boxes are a primary cause of breakage. Customers who do a thorough packing job, typically, experience more successful and uneventful moves, overall. Ideally, the less time the moving crew must wait for boxes to be made ready, before they start loading the truck, the faster the job gets completed. Using proper packing techniques will help keep your aggregated costs to a minimum.
At no added cost, we’re happy to aid you in determining the type of packing materials you’ll need for your job, regardless of whether you purchase from us. If you live within a 15-mile radius of our Laguna Niguel office, we'll deliver accessories to your front-door, again, at no added cost (minimally, 4-days prior to your scheduled move date). Payment for your order is due on the same day our crew makes delivery.